Professor Tony Cass

Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London

Prof. Tony Cass on His Research into Point-of-Decision Diagnostic Devices

Prof. Tony Cass of Imperial College London describes how he builds point-of-decision diagnostic devices by combining nano-structured materials with biological molecules. Enabling rapid detection of influenza virus, arsenic in drinking water and glucose measurements in diabetes.


Professor Tony Cass
Health Sciences

Professor Tony Cass


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Professor Tony Cass

Department of Chemistry, Imperial College London

Tony Cass is Professor of Chemical Biology in the Department of Chemistry and Institute of Biomedical Engineering at Imperial College London and a Fellow of both the Royal Society of Chemistry and Society of Biology. He trained originally as a chemist with degrees from the Universities of York and Oxford. His research interests are in the field of analytical biotechnology both in the use of molecular engineering and design to produce new reagents for biosensors and bioanalysis and in microfabrication for device structures.