Dr. Renã Robinson

Vanderbilt University

The biology of aging: How discovery proteomics is unraveling the elements of age-related diseases

In this video, Dr. Renã Robinson, Associate Professor of Chemistry at the Vanderbilt University, outlines how her team is employing a high-throughput discovery-based proteomics workflow to better understand the biology of aging and determine the molecular contributions to racial disparities in Alzheimer’s disease. Robinson also highlights the mass spectrometry technology which has supported this research and been critical to her team's global peptide analysis.


Dr. Renã Robinson
Pittcon Health Sciences Mass Spectrometry Analytical chemistry

Dr. Renã Robinson


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Dr. Renã Robinson

Vanderbilt University

Dr. Renã A. S. Robinson is Associate Professor of Chemistry at Vanderbilt University and the inaugural Dorothy J. Wingfield Phillips Chancellor’s Faculty Fellow. Robinson has a nationally and internationally recognized research program and she is an emerging leader in the field of proteomics for her work in aging, Alzheimer’s disease and applications relevant to human health. She is also the recipient of several awards including a Starter Grant Award from the Society for Analytical Chemistry of Pittsburgh, the 2014 Lloyd N. Ferguson Young Scientist Award from NOBCChE (The National Organization of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers), and most recently the 2017 Pittsburgh Conference Achievement Award.