About Us

Communication is at the very heart of successful science. In the age of on-demand video and social media, it's never been easier to spread the message quickly on important research. But, there's never been a place that showcases the very best content from the biggest scientific influencers… until now! The Scientists' Channel is the new go-to resource for showcasing science videos and other content to a global audience. The site puts scientists first and with featured channels exploring the most widely-used techniques today, you'll stay informed about what the most influential scientists are doing in your chosen application area.

Get involved with The Scientists’ Channel

Informing scientists about the latest innovations

The Scientists’ Channel® is a unique opportunity to broadcast your innovations through video to a global audience, increasing visibility for your work and raising its profile. With our trusted, moderated and independent platform you can display video content on your very own channel page on The Scientists' Channel as well as on your own website through our unique widget.

There are 3 ways to get involved with The Scientists’ Channel®:

  • Create videos: You can provide your own videos or we can produce them for you.
  • Publication: We’ll publish your videos, biography, photograph, website links and social media links.
  • Promotion: We’ll make it easy to share your content with anyone, anywhere using the special ‘widget’ on your own website and/or links we can provide. We’ll also share with our global audience through email.

Our scientific editors are experts at creating collaborative video interviews. You will work with a dedicated editor who will guide you through the process in order to create 3-4 minute videos featuring you and your work.

You receive full preview and approvals prior to publication and the video file for your use. How? Since the channel is funded through sponsorships, you can request sponsorship of a video which will increase visibility for you and your ‘sponsor’:

  • Your organization
  • Your funding body
  • Your society
  • Your laboratory supplier/manufacturer of a key technology. This is a popular option since manufacturers are keen to support communication about their technologies.
Get involved

Working with Sponsors

Empowering scientists to communicate their work and discuss important technology innovations

As a scientific instrument manufacturer or scientific organization you can support the publication of scientists by sponsoring a channel. The Scientists’ Channel® is a game-changer, finally giving an trusted online space to the scientists at the cutting-edge of today’s science. By sponsoring a channel you will empower top scientists to communicate on video, with your sponsorship, logo and services/products on display.

Contact us

Want to Join Us?

Join our global and award-winning team, leading the way in online communication

Employees of The Scientists’ Channel® and SelectScience® employees make a difference. The company has attracted the best professionals in the industry, who are encouraged to contribute directly to business impact.

Individuals receive excellent earning potential and comprehensive benefits, training and development, and the opportunity to travel across the globe.

As winners of the Life Science Employer and Queen's Awards, employees are valued through a culture of achievement, enabling fulfilment of both personal career ambitions and company goals.

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