Samer Sansil is a Core Staff Scientist in the Cancer Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics Core (CPPC) at the Moffitt Cancer Center. The overall goal of the CPPC is to provide a high-quality resource and state-of-the-art services for measuring pharmacokinetic drug levels of novel and standard chemotherapeutic agents in preclinical animal studies and in clinical studies, and to quantify pharmacodynamic endpoints in preclinical studies as well as for early-phase clinical trials. His primary area of expertise is quantitative bioanalytical chemistry, including liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, and bioanalytical sample prep, along with pharmacokinetic modeling of anti-cancer agents. Samer also helps design research sampling logic, as it relates to pharmacologic evaluation of agents in early-phase clinical trials, and provides design of experiments for pre-clinical studies. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in biology, Samer earned his master’s degree in biotechnology from the College of Medicine at the University of South Florida.